Monday, November 30, 2009


The day was mostly spent doing office work that had to be done. While the chores were being done outside, Parcy made it very clear that he did not want Tawnee to disappear inside. He tugged at her jacket like a puppy.

Jason had to clean out the horse trailer and Parcy wanted to help. He was told he's a bit too small to move the manure out, but he was welcome to stand around and watch. He felt quite grown up being on top of the hill all by himself.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


This morning Tawnee decided it was time for Parcy to socialize a little bit. Off to the mini pen they went. Macho Man was quite intrigued, but Parcy couldn't quite figure out why the black bundle of hair was following him around.

Pretty soon Parcy realized it wasn't the grizzly bear he had imagined, but instead a cute little horse the same size as him. Macho Man thinks that Parcy is really cute, but definitely speaks a different language.

A little visitors at the rescue had fun playing with Parcy. She said "He's such a cute baby horse!" We had to clear that misconception up.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving!

We are thankful that little Parcy's purpose in life is not a piece of veal on a plate. We are also thankful for good old Jack too.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Parcy is now at the rescue and doing great. He is so full of joy and life. This morning he walked up, put his face in the camera and stuck out his tongue: just like a goofy kid.

He got his first walk about the rescue today while the stalls where being cleaned. He kept looking around, you could almost see him trying to figure out where he fits into this great big world.

He kept looking for his mommy, walking up to people and horses, but he just can't find her. Dakota, while feeling sympathy for the poor little guy, had to tell him that he is not his mommy. It is so sad, but we're all glad that this little guy is here and doing so well. Some of you may have watched the Humane Society investigation video we linked to the day he was rescued. If he wasn't here, he probably would have been slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, died from neglect or be a prisoner in a veal crate.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Parcy has got everyone wrapped around his little hooves at vet office. Even Cindy, who answers the phone at the vet, had to come out and feed him. It was her very first time ever feeding a calf.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


At the vet, little Parcy was bright eyed and chipper. He seemed to be happy to see Tawnee, at least that is what she says.

Parcy was able to go outside and stretch his legs. He definitely enjoyed getting out and moving around. At one point he took off running at full speed, probably the first time in his life, but it was on uneven ground. He hit a bump and took a spill. In no time he was up and going again. The vet says he is definitely stronger today and she can see a big difference.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Parcy made it through his first night at the rescue just fine. He kept getting disturbed by Tawnee checking on him throughout the night. Parcy would like to thank those that have sent donations on his behalf and for the outpouring of emotional support.

After a good meal, it was time for him to see the vet. Parcy was ready to go and quickly found his blankey.

When Tawnee arrived at the vet Parcy was curled up on his blankey, wondering what this adventure would hold. He sure is a cute little guy!

Parcy was carried into the vet office where Dr Weaver could evaluate him.

Dr Weaver examined Parcy and made up a feeding schedule for him. She also figured out what medications he needs to give him a boost in life. Day old calves that are pulled from their mothers rarely get to drink their mother's milk so they don't get the extremely important colostrum. This makes it very hard for them to survive. We are told his hind legs should be fine as he gains strength. Dr Weaver gave him a couple shots, which he wasn't too keen on, but no one ever said you have to love your doctor.

It was decided the little guy will spend a few days at the vet office. Parcy is all snuggled in with his security blanket ready a nice nights rest.

Monday, November 16, 2009


After a long drive Jason and Tawnee arrived at the Petaluma Livestock Auction, not really planing an rescuing calf.
This is a livestock auction, and Tawnee had in the back of her mind that there would be day old calves there. About a week ago she watched a video by the Humane Society of the United States which showed the absolute horror of an infant calf slaughter house. So many people think that drinking milk doesn't hurt the animals. Only cows that have given birth produce milk. One of the "byproducts," male calves, are more often than not sent to become veal. This video will change your life, but it is very hard to watch. A graphic warning for those that cannot bare to watch animals being butchered alive. They are only babies too. Click here or click the picture below.

Of course, at the auction there is the pen that holds the day old calves. Heart wrenching!

One little calf in particular caught Tawnee's sympathetic eye. He looked a lot like a calf she raised when she was a little girl. When Tawnee was little, her and her mom would go to auctions and buy day old calves. Sadly, all the ones from auctions died from being too weak because of being torn away from their moms at birth. One calf Tawnee did successfully raised was from a dairy that allowed their calves to nurse for a few days before selling them.

The goats, sheep and pigs had been sold off, when a man came into the calf pen and started stirring them up to get them ready for the sale ring. Tawnee made a mad dash for her seat in the auction ring. She sat down, a couple calves went through, and then one special little guy came in and Tawnee just had to spend some of her pocket change to buy him for only $5.
On the way back to the rescue, Jason and Tawnee stopped to check on everyone in the trailer. The little calf was very hungry, but all we had was water. The calf was sucking on Tawnee's fingers, so she brought the water bottle up and it drank it with glee.

The sun was setting as they drove back to the rescue.

At the first Tractor Supply they came to, they stopped to get the milk replacer for the calf and a bottle. Once again, not using rescue funds. It's pretty sad that just the bottle to feed the calf was about as much as the calf.

The baby was so incredibly happy to get some milk in his tummy. Baby's are supposed to eat regularly, not be pulled from their mommy's at birth, tossed in the back of a trailer, dumped at an auction where they are shoved and pushed around for hours on end.

The calf now named Parcy: Tawnee is not entirely sure what the future is for this cute little guy, but she couldn't sit back and let him suffer the fate that is seen in the video when only $5 was in between him suffering or not. He has a limp one of his hind legs, no doubt from being drug around.
Little Parcy is sleeping peacefully now and is waiting for a new day and a new adventure. Tawnee says if we keep going to auctions with day old calves, there needs to be a fund named "The First Gift of Love." Saving these babies from a terrible death and giving them one of love and compassion is the least we could do. They're only babies!