Monday, December 7, 2009


Parcy always enjoys getting out and helping with the morning chores. We've had some people ask if Parcy is in the Last Act of Kindness program. No, our mascot is not in the Last Act of Kindness program and will be living at the rescue. We would love to have some sponsors for him!

It was a livestock auction rescue day, this time the staff were a little more prepared. Tawnee packed little bags with the right ratio of colostrum, electrolytes and milk replacement.

Today's calf rescue was taking place at the Petaluma Livestock auction. We did not make it to the auction in time to bid on the calves, but another person stepped forward to do that for us.

After the calves were all loaded up they all enjoyed their first meal. They were starving little ravenous calves. The calf's, closest to the camera, umbilical cord was not even dried yet he was so young. They're not the typical veal calves, but any day old calve is most likely a victim of the veal industry if not rescued from that terrible fate.

After their tummy's were filled they all laid down for a nice nap on the way back to the rescue. We would like to thank Jennifer G for her generous support in enabling these calves to know love. Thank you Jennifer for saving Rascal, Nemo, Banjo and Cody.

We would like to thank Suzanne M. for donating the funds for another calf to be rescued from that terrible fate. We know many of you may find this mission of mercy hard to understand, but just think, how would these little calves be living right now if they were not at the rescue, knowing love and warm milk? Factory farming is an industry that has a lot of byproducts. These little calves are one of them and they don't deserve to suffer just because they are a "byproduct."

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